Friday, October 02, 2009


He said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old." Matthew 13:52

Some weeks are harder than other to consistently preach and teach. But most times and especially lately I have been so excited to teach and preach the Bible. I have been honored by the Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Church. While they are searching for a pastor they have invited me to come and share with them on Sunday nights. We are starting Luke's gospel on Sunday evening.

This is how everyone who gets to preach the gospel and teach the Scriptures should feel. Some weeks the Holy Spirit gives me an old treasure that I have cherished for a long time. Other weeks I am blown away by a fresh insight, a brand new treasure. Either way I am so excited that I can share it with you. What's in your storeroom? Is it filled with treasure or with junk?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The scoop

A couple of people have asked about my blogging. Probably the only two who read this but nevertheless. Life has changed in a lot of ways and time is a precious commodity that I don't seem to have enough of lately. I think that I may be crazy to take on everything on my plate but like all things in life different seasons have different rhythms. I'm still trying to feel the beat.

I started working a full time job as a customer service agent on December 1. I am still the pastor of Abundant Life Assembly in Bethany. High utility bills and lower offerings have hit our church finances pretty hard. Some might see this as a set back. I am choosing each day to see it as an incredible opportunity. More of our people are having to step up to do ministry. And I have made some new friends and have conversations with people about spiritual matters who I would not have meet otherwise.

I am continuing to work on my bachelor's degree through Southeastern University. Combined I feel overwhelmed much of the time. I took the opportunity for the full time job because I wanted Rebekah to be able to remain home with the kids and homeschool them. We needed to make some financial changes so that we could get control over our personal financial future and so that the church could have money freed up to invest in the community and in needed repairs to the parsonage and church building. The investment in the community is the most important thing!

I think we are starting a new series on Sunday entitled Prove It! One thing I am still struggling with is planning series in advance. There just doesn't seem to be enough time. Please also pray that new worship leaders will be discovered or step up as that would really help free me up quite a bit! So if you know any musicians who feel called to lead worship or want to explore their calling point 'em my way! Anyway thanks for being interested.